Magic Spoon Cereal Review

Magic Spoon Cereal is a pretty new option on the market that’s designed to give you all the feels of childhood nostalgia without all the sugar crashes or cutting up the roof of your mouth.

On top of that, they tout that it’s loaded with protein, is grain free and gluten free. There’s also way fewer carbs. Anyways, let’s take a quick dive into the company before getting to the unboxing.

The Magic Spoon Cereal Company

The company behind the magic was started by two guys who run it today named Greg and Gabi. According to their About Us page on the company website, they both grew up eating tons of cereal. They would eat it and enjoy the sugar rush along with a big crash later in the afternoon.

Sounds like fun!

As adults, they’ve decided to go after a big problem in the cereal industry: lots of grains and sugar. I think it’s kind of a problem when it comes to feeding tons of sugar to kids. I’ll admit, I remember the sugar crashes when I was younger, too.

Plus, there’s no way it’s good for the first thing you eat every day to have a lot of added sugar, even if there are a lot of vitamins and minerals in it like most breakfast cereals have. That being said, I’m not sure if it’s a big deal that the cereals adults eat are sugary. I mean, once you’re an adult it’s like, you can make your own choices. Anyway, let’s look at this.

The Magic Spoon Cereal Unboxing

magic spoon cereal

I got a bag of the peanut butter kind, which right away I noticed was unique. Instead of putting the cereal in a huge bag that made it look like there was way less in there, they packaged it in a much smaller one. I think this was smart choice on their part.

The Magic Spoon Cereal looks great in the bag. I actually really like how unique a lot of the pieces of cereal look. Something about that feels more natural to me.

The Nutrition Facts

magic spoon cereal nutrition facts

Alright, let’s do this. The nutrition facts. Here we go.

Each box contains 5 servings since it’s little bit smaller than your typical cereal.

There’s 12% of your daily fat in there at 9 grams. 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat in the Magic Spoon Cereal. There is no trans-fat in this cereal.

You’ll get 3% of your cholesterol in this each day. There’s 9% of your daily sodium in there. Only 4% of your total daily carbs (10 grams) per serving.

Lastly, there’s 26% of your daily recommended amount of protein in there at 14 grams. There aren’t many vitamins and minerals, just 10% of your daily amount of iron.


This Magic Spoon Cereal sounds pretty healthy, so, let’s see what all is actually in it! You got some milk protein blend (casein, whey protein concentrate).

There’s some Sweetener Blend (Allulose, Monk Fruit Extract), Oil Blend (High Oleic Sunflower Oil, Avocado Oil), Tapioca Starch, Peanut Oil, Inulin (from Chicory Root and/or Agave), Peanut Flour, Peanut Extract, Natural Flavor, Salt.

And it contains milk and peanuts (for those who have allergies, just so ya know).

To be honest, the ingredients sound kind of processed.

The Magic Spoon Cereal Review

This is it, the big review you’ve all been waiting for. I decided to eat this dry without any milk. Sorry if that’s weird but I eat a lot of cereal that way. My first bite impressions were that it was definitely different.

I liked it, but it’s not necessarily for everybody. If it’s a make or break for you to get that same taste you would from refined sugar, then this probably won’t be your thing.

It almost had the consistency of pork rinds (minus the saltiness/savory taste those have). Magic Spoon Cereal is also pretty expensive. The box that I bought at Target was about $10 and the company also sells them in bulk from their website for about the same price in bundles of 4. However, you can subscribe and save to get 25% off so it’s only $30 bucks for 4 boxes.

The high protein content and low sugar content is a huge plus in my book. The packaging is also awesome, I really like that. So is their website, that looks pretty good, too.

Final Notes on Magic Spoon Cereal

Packaging: Above Average

Nutrition Facts: Above Average

Ingredients: Average

Taste: Average

Magic Spoon Cereal Final Rating:


Look, I’m clocking it in at 6.9/10 because I know at least some people in the comments are going to complain that these things taste like packing peanuts. For me personally, as someone who loves various health foods, I really like them and I’ll probably buy the other flavors, maybe even subscribe and save on their website.

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